Monday, August 11, 2008


Hai guys, it's been a while since i updated anything up in hurr.

Since last time, i've dabbled in the super turbos on ftp where you start with 10bbs and have hudge shovefests. I thought this would be a good thing since people push/fold pretty badly and i could get in good volume and at least get some rakeback for my efforts. However the game was very swongy and after a break even stretch i quit 'em and came back to normal turbos and i'm glad i did.

I was going to play mainly on ftp, but one day ftp servers were being ghey so I fired up a session on stars and fell back in love with the site, so now I play both. Mainly 24s through  38s but also some 60s when i feel like it cause i've raun blueish lately (but prolly jinxing it now) and it feels so good to finally win showdowns. SNGs can be the most frustrating thing ever when every showdown leaves you futtbucked and you feel like you're going insane, so hi 5 for the good variance!

Bankroll is at 12k aorn, even after withdrawing a lot more than Gill has this year (afaik), and it looks like my downswing might finally be over. At least i hope so...

Im getting my student loan pretty soon, so hopefully i won't have to withdraw so much before new year so i can beat gill and win this 6.66$ prop bet!

I guess that's all for now. Wat wat

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