Wednesday, August 20, 2008

yeah Gill

you're not winning this bet imo! roll=13.5k and Gill's going on a two week holiday so I have time to catch up.

Started experimenting with finding the optimal amount of tables and whether to play in sets or continuous, loading up sngs everytime i bust out of one. TBH I much prefer playing in sets as they allow more freedom to take quick breaks and they take like 45 minutes so you pretty much know how long you're playing for and don't get as restless as you might do when you play sngs for 2-3 hours in a row.

Upped my tables from 6 to 8 and it's going goot and im starting to feel comfortable about it. I suppose i could play a few more but gg monitor, no room for them all as i dont cascade the tables iirc. Like I said earlier, i <3 Stars too much to not play there, so im getting in some volume there. On cruise control for Gold status aorn but i dont think i'll make platinum this month. That shall however be my goal for the next month i play there so i can be an FPP balla like the rest of em.
SNE next year imo :p

playing 5-6 sets a day, so im getting in a lot more volume than i used to. Now all that remains is permantly moving up again to the 60s!


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