Wednesday, October 31, 2007

4NL madness and then some...

Obv the 3 bloggers all had to play some 4NL all in every hand last night, and what a +ev session it was! Gill started off best and was up 5-6 buyins, while me and fiend were down a couple. The the hand that changed the whole table dynamics came: Gill moves in for 22$ with K6o, some other random guy is in with KJ, I'm in the BB and feel pot committed with my 32o and make the valuecall. Flop is 422 and my hand holds up. After this hand I completely pwn every all in and get up to 50$ ++. 1250 BB is hardcore! Some of the hands were against pokerfiend ( nitty Gill quit after 32o stallownage ) where he supposedly "dominated" me with 75o vs 45s and 86s vs 85o. Little did he know i was thinking on the 66th level and knew what board would come and I took some more chippoes while he cried cause he couldn't play with his last penny =/ Got badbeated a couple hands in a row and left with ~30$. Ship it!

One lass from my class ( hey, that rhymed! ) also plays poker, so a last longer bet was obv gonna happen in the 4/180s on Stars. I played bad, but she busted early and now owes me a pint when we're oot on the sauce tomorrow. Ship it!

Also played some on BetSafe and ended up 400$, can't remember how, but who cares? Ship it!

Today I was doing fairly well in a 13,5k teed on FTP, but losing a flip and then having to move in with A3 vs KK is teh suck so I ended up 32nd for a massive 57$. Ship it!

Played some random stuff like an Omaha 8/B tourney that I've somehow FT'd before, but tonight was really bad. Suck it!

WHat to do now? Obv can't sleep...

Youporn ftw?

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