Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb review+ March goals

After playing 100k hands in january, i only managed a rather lame 27k hands this month. But i can't complain @ beating 200NL for 5BB/100, i just hope its sustainable because $100 an hour is nice afaik.

Roll is at like 8400 atm, which is mostly due to my lack of effort to play.

But anyway, after i get RB, roll should be between 9500 and 10k.. so anyway, goals for March:

1. 50k hands (V important, can't win if i don't play!)
2. $6k profit from poker ( if i keep my winrate up, easily do-able)

Short and simple, so lets get crackin :D

Also, expect more random hands and thought processes soon, i need to remember to think during hands instead of my usual mindless agression.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sry no poker.

There will be no poker content in this post, so go read chris' last post if you want to read about poker instead of my boring post. I thought the one with his examples of hands he played was a good one.

I've been slacking at school the past week or 2 and its come back to bite me in the ass, so I'll be spending almost all my time at school this week and next it looks like. (Got a big presentation next friday for my year long project on designing a biodiesel plant). I'm really bad at procrastinating with these types of things and with school in general to be honest. Ive gotten better throughout my academic career, and am not nearly as bad as I used to be, but it still feels like I'm a couple of steps behind most of the time. I keep telling myself only 2 more months and im done school forever :D

Also I've decided that I'm going to start working out again since I really haven't done anything since the summer. I just set up a light 4 day/week routine, so I guess we'll see how that goes. Hard to put in the time right now, but I'm going to do my best to stick to it. Also I am tentatively planning a trip to Mexico when school is finished in 2 months, so it would be nice to get into shape by then, but w/e.

Anyways no poker until after next friday (well maybe an hour or 2 here and there but nothing serious). I'll try to update with interesting hands when I do get a proper session in.



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Wish

that i could run good forever.

played another 10k hands and dropped 1k, bringing my winrate down from 8.5BB/100, to a much less impressive.. although a lot more realistic winrate of 5.3/100.

But yeah, more on winrates and moneys when i play 100k hands for a goot sample size.

Also, i'm gonna sign upto cardrunners in the hopes of finding leaks in my game that i can plug before moving upto 400+600NL

Sorry for the quick update..

Friday, February 22, 2008

More 200NL

Cutting down to 4-6 tables, posting hands on FTR and constantly analysing and trying to improve my game has really been producing results. running @ like 8BB/100 over 15k hands for just short of $5k- Holla!

Gonna post a few hands i played today and just talk through them... whether i'm right or wrong in the way i played them is a different matter obv.

Hand 1:

Standard raise for me and a call from a Taggy reg that loves to try and outplay me in small-medium pots. Flop is a nice one for me and i'm pretty sure i have the best hand, and if he has a hand like 55-99 (he obv repops anything higher PF) then i can easily fire a lot of scare cards on the turn. Anyway, he checks to me, i fire my routine C-bet and he makes a small raise. While this on it's own could mean a wide range of things, i figured this was a K 10% of the time, a FD around a third of the time, and air the rest. The turn completes the flush and he checks. Now i'm 99% sure with this opponent he doesn't have a flush and probably not a K and am putting him on a hand like 99-TT, so i obv have to fire because i can easily have a flush here ( he knows i'd 3 bet a K on this flop ) and is OOP so chooses the safe play and folds. If he calls there and a J, Q or A hits the river, i'm probably firing a 3rd barrell and it's very difficult for him to call with a hand like 99 on such a scary board as if i'm bluffing with A high/Q high or w/e, it's one card that's probably hit me.

Hand 2:

This is an interesting one, because it's not a play i usually make. Again, std raise for me in the CO and a Tagfish calls in the SB. My reads are that he plays draws aggro and often turns his hands face up with his betting patterns. I'm playing around 35/30 on this table and have been stealing and bluffing, winning small pot after small pot, so naturally i'm waiting for people to start playing back at me. So anyway, the flop comes and while normally i dislike C-betting these drawy kind of boards ( get looked up wayyy too often ) i probably have the best hand and gotta bet for value and protect vs the draws, plus with my image- i get called with all sorts here. Once he flat calls my bet, i'm almost certain he doesn't have a FD or a 2 pair+ hand and probably has a hand like 78, 67 or something of the likes. Once he fires the turn into me, i instantly put him on 67 or 78, and call- planning to bluff any scare cards on the river. The river turns out to be a great card as it bricks any straight draw and nullifies his 2 pair, and while it looks like i'm trying to bluff this river.. i'm actually shoving for value because i get looked up here by a lot worse with my crazy image. But he folds, which is cool with me too :)

Hand 3:

This one is fairly standard.. a non tricky, Taggy player opens on the button, and i elect to flat call my 9's in the BB (even vs a nit, i'd probs 3 bet this 80% of the time). My only read is that i'd seen this player overbet the river with the nuts before.
I fire the flop because CR'ing inflates the pot and really overreps my hand so i'm not getting much value from worse. When he calls i'm putting him on a weak one pair hand, 9T, or a 6 (anything bigger would raise me on this board). The turn is a complete blank and i decide to slow down a little and let him bluff a few streets vs me, which he does and i think for a few seconds and call then turn. The river is a J, which is kind of a bad card for me as 9T got there, but i check to let him bluff his one pair hands or missed 6 and have "nh" ready in the chat if he rolls over 9T. He bets a little over half pot, which with my read means it's much more likely to be some crazy thin value bet with a 1 pair hand or a busted open-ender with X6. I snap call and he rolls over A6s, shippp.

Ok after posting them and having to do all that thinking, i want to post some of my wins for you to enjoy :)

Hand 4: Normally i'd fold pre, but it's a really weak 3 bet vs a fish so i can't resist :D- lol @ AK.

Hand 5: This is just a bad call by me preflop, but thanks for slowplaying :D

Hand 6: Big pot! I was really sure he had the flush on the turn too, i actually shouted ONE TIME FILL ME UP to my computer :D

Anyway, after putting in a few hands these past few days, iv'e built my roll upto $9200 or so, plus iv'e cleared my $700 deposit bonus which im expecting anytime soon..nearly a 10k roll :D



is spelted bluelips, all lowercase imo

Poker Fiend

Is correct in his assesment of bluelips drunk statement.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blue Lips

Is drunk.

But correct in his statement IMO.

Chris Gill

is a donk


Sunday, February 17, 2008

One trick pony.

Yeah, so earlier i tried to play some donkaments again, and gawddd i suck @ them. Im way too aggro, im not deep enough to play weaker hands and i try bluff stations.

So add that to the list of things i can't beat.

Mixed Games
Full Ring NLHE

Oh well, at least now im crushing 6 max 200NL :)

Also, went to newcastle friday night for the forum game, i was first out which is super standard. I need to stop bullying really tight players who have really strong hands. They arn't folding! Srsly!

Guy opens UTG, i call OTB with KTs, flop air.. and raise his flop bet??? Shortly after i shove AKos to an EP 5BB open from a super tight player, why do i do this to myself? I know i'm behind but i shove anyway.

I sat @ 1-2 for a while and lost 2 50BB buyins with 77 vs T8 on 679 and then shoving an OE vs a donk lead. GG

But at least i got a nice breakfast for only 2.50 :D

Friday, February 15, 2008

Implied Odds

Guess I mis-interpreted the last question as he was asking more about stack sizes vs. implied odds.

I'm more interested in when i hear people say they fold a certain hand in a cash game because "their isn't set value" or they fold because the guy only has xx big blinds.

Okay, so this is a question that relates to implied odds and when it is favorable to play a hand for them. The bigger your opponents stack compared to his raise the better your implied odds will be.

For example:
You're playing against player A. You have played many hands against player A before and you know that when he opens for a 6xBB raise that he always has a big pocket pair. You also know that he will not fold an overpair on the flop.

Situation 1:
You are playing a 0.50/1 game and his starting stack is 36$ he opens in the small blind for 6$ and you look down in the BB and see pocket 2s, what do you do?

Answer: Fold. You have to make a 5$ call here and you are only 8:1 to flop the set you need. This means for your call to be a profitable call you need him to commit 40$ or more to the pot and seeing as he does not have that much money it makes calling an unprofitable proposition. You also have to account for the times that your set gets cracked (set over set) and the times where you doesn't go all in when you hit the set. (ie: he has KK and A23 flops, he probably will get scared by the ace and not commit his entire stack). Accounting for all this makes it a really easy fold.

Situation 2:
Same situation but now you both have 100$ stacks, what do you do?

Answer: Call. You are calling off 5$ in the hopes of flopping your set. You will hit your set approxiamately 1 in 9 times and from your knowledge of player A you know that you will win the rest of his 94$ the majority of the time you hit your set. This is clearly a profitable play. As your implied odds on your 5$ call are roughly 20:1. (IE: his stack size is 20 times what you commited when you made the call.)

Hope that clears that up.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

ceV vs $eV

Just gonna take a shot at answer a question posted in the comments.

The question was:
"i also read or hear a lot about people laying down hands because stack sizes don't make it worth it, what is meant by that?"

I think this question is refering to laying down a hand that is likely ahead because of the stack sizes. There are situations in poker where it is indeed profitable to do this. They do occur more in SnGs, but can also happen in MTTs.

Firstly to answer this question you must understand the difference between ceV and $eV. ceV refers to your chip equity (expected return) whereas $eV refers to your expected return in dollars. In tournaments everyone knows (or should know) that chips do not convert linearly into dollars. Ie: just because you doubled up in chips it does not mean that you have doubled your expected profit from the tournament. In fact sometimes even if you are expected to make chips by making a move it may still be the wrong move to make. To illustrate this i'll set up an extreme example.

Blinds: 5/10
Payout structure:
1st: 50$
2nd: 30$
3rd: 20$
4th: 0$

player A: 1 chip
player B: 4800 chips
player C: 4800 chips
you: 400 chips

you are dealt AcAs in the BB, player A folds, players B moves all in and player C folds, what do you do???

Fold of course!

Now although this is a completely exaggerated unrealistic example you should be able to see that you have +ceV (I mean you do have the best hand in poker) but calling this would be severely -$eV due to the payout structure and current chip stacks.

Reason: You're almost guarenteed to cash here if you fold because player A only has 1 chip left. Although you're obviously a massive favorite with AA here, you gotta fold because you simply cannot risk your tournament life here with any holding. Finishing out of the money here would be a complete catastrophe. I'd also like to mention that doubling up barely increases your $equity because you're still a massive short stack compared to 1st and 2nd.

Again this is an extremely exaggerated example and you will rarely, if ever, find a place where folding AA is the correct move. It is just something to keep in your mind that +ceV does not always = +money. Also these situations are more prevalent in sit n' gos than multi-table tourneys just because of the payout structure. I'm no pro at these sorts of things by any means (blue's probably the one to ask about sngs) but recognizing these sorts of situations are extremely important for anyone looking to become a high-stakes SnG player in particular. I recommend searching 'ICM poker' or 'Independent chip model' on google if anyone really wants to learn more about this sort of thing, as I am sure there has been a lot of discussion posted on this topic.

I hope thats what you were asking about and that it at least gave some insight about what people are talking about when they talk about folding because of stack sizes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Getting back into things.

Alright so Im getting back into the grind here, I made a new excel template before I played today so I'll be able to show off some new cool graphs and such when I play enough hands :).

I only played 500 hands or so tonight at 50NL, as I obv have no stamina and got bored really quickly :P. Also played the 2.5k and the 1.5k, and as usual did not cash in those. Cash tables went well though. I really felt like I was playing one of my best games, especially early in the session, as I was super focused. But I did lose some concentration after about 60-90 min.

So I was thinking of writing something useful, so to the three people who read this blog give me a shout and let me know what you want me to write about. A couple topics I have in my head that I might write my take on are:

LAG vs TAG and why both are better than passive play.
Exploiting Weakness.
Mid-Late game tournament strategy.
Poker Basics (ie: positional play, different styles, hand ranges ect...).
Stack sizes in relation to hand value.

If there's something not on the list that you want me to talk about email me the topic. If no one emails me im probably not gonna write anything :P. Also dunno when I'll get around to actually writing this, but if there is interest you have my promise that I will write something eventually and possibly get input from blue or gill if they feel like talking while they are 8-tabling.



Time for a proper update

Seeing as I was a bit, eh, not entirely sober last time I wrote a blog entry it's time for a proper one.

Sngs were down on stars on sunday, so I didn't play much there and i'm behind on my schedule to get platinum this month =/ Pretty much bubbled the 11r there, that had over 7,000 runners for some reason and a sick prizepool (270k in a 45k guaranteed), so it kinda sucked that I didn't win that one :D

Tournament Sunday basically sucked until I went deep in the 20k on Pre-FT i pushed 77 with 6 bbs into AA and rivered a 7 to get a semi-decent stack (basically blinds get so high in this tourney, 12-13 bbs is above average at this stage) and made a hudge play with 95o against the chipleader. 3bet him pre and made him fold on a K high flop. Fancy play syndrome maybe, but he was raising every hand, so obv have to play back at him. Anyways, short after that the FT bubble burst and it was final table time, baby!

Some shortie got knocked out early, but it stayed 9 handed for quite a while. I was semi-active at this time, but not overaggro and kept building my stack to become the 2nd chipleader. After some shorty went in with 5bbs or so in fairly early position, I iso'd with AQs and it was goot vs his A8 and became first in chips. As people got knocked out, I turned up the heat and stole a lot with 2.5bb raises and made some resteals with decent hands.

As we got down to four people, some french guy pushed utg and I woke up with AQs again and it held vs AT. Yay for not running like Gill! 3 handed I seriously pondered an ace high call on the turn on a 23JJ board, but decided against it and wait for a better spot. Think I had another AQ hand, but this time it came short to the mighty KJ on the river and all me and another guy was fairly even in chips again, with the last person having about half what we had. Button raised a couple hands later and I went for a resteal with KTo and BB obv had QQ and crippled me. A couple hands later SB pushed on my BB and I instacalled with ATs. His K3 was good and I went out 3rd for 1800$. First was 5400$ and I felt disappointed that I didn't win, but atleast i'm 1800$ richer than I was before amirite?

Monday, February 11, 2008


Long time no post,

I had been having some problems with my internet for a bit, but I got that fixed (hopefully) a couple weeks ago. Main reason why I haven't been posting/playing is that i've been crazy busy. Been working a whole bunch of hours and also fell behind a bit at school so I had to focus on that for awhile, as this is my last semester and all...and I would like to get my diploma :). As for poker I played maybe 2 or 3 sessions over the last 5 weeks? Really not much at all, Im sure blue and Gill play more hands in a day than what I played over january. Also went to casino a couple times in january and made close to a grand there playing 200NL.

Disclaimer: *Plz don't follow my example*
I did have sort of an interesting session 2 weekends ago where i was up about $400 in an hour and a bit so i decided to take a shot at 2000$NL and min buy in there for $400 weeeee! Felt I was rolled for it since i had like 1900$ or something, lol. Anyways I ran that 400 up to 1400 or so and then busted on some coin flippish type hand. Gill ended up ridiculing me, but poker's not my main source of income so w/e Chris :).

Played a 6 hour session tonight, but it was fairly uneventful as I ended up even. Played 2 tournaments, bubbled one (11/60) when I pushed 78 or something into AQ and I bubbled+1 in the other (2500$ teed). Was in 2nd or 3rd at the time, but those are the breaks. Guy who busted me ended up winning it, and it was well deserved. Only guy on table I would've busted against with the hand that came up.

Not too much else to say, other than I plan on playing a lot more for the next bit here and hopefully building up the roll.

P.S. I'll try and post something useful next post, since this one sucks.

I ran bad, so i moved up...

To 200NL again, And made all my money back :)

4600 hands, playing 31/26= $2650 for a sexy, very unsustainable 14.2BB/100

considering playing 100NL for 2 days because im in the red by 1k on my PT database from it, and green is a much nicer colour.

Anyways, i'm prolly gonna stick to 200NL and play a max of 4 tables for now, maybe upto 8 once i feel my game has improved.

Also gratz to blue aka. crazy swede for cashing 3rd in teh 20k for a sexy $1800. high 5

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ugh? wtf did i smoke?

oh man wtf aye be completely lost here. My bruvva gavve me a smoke a halfn hour ago and wtf this is so sick must be some dutch shite

Friday, February 8, 2008

Poker Etiquette

As requested by a few of you, here are my tips on how to "behave" at the poker table, both online.. and offline.

1. Be Reasonably neat while playing. This applies to live poker and basically means, stack your chips with the bigger values to the front, so people can get a rough idea
of how much you have in front of you, it's very anooying and time consuming- especially in a tournament, when a guy says "all-in" and his chips are just scattered all over the place, and then the dealer has to count them out. Also, don't splash the pot, as in some casino's, your bet is forfitted if it is uncertain how much you have thrown in. Also, don't string bet.

2. Don't slow roll or mis-declare your hand. While this technically isn't against the rules, it's a definate no-no.

3. Don't tap the aqarium! Seriously, this is probably the most anooying thing i see people do. A fish calls a big bet on the turn with a gutterball, spikes and stacks your top set,
so you immediatly call him an idiot and tell him the odds of his call and how bad it was, and why he should fold instead etc, or perhaps you swear at him so he feels
uncomfortable and leaves. Nice one, the guy paying your wages just got better or left the game. Please, please.. just stick to "Nh"

4. Keep your mouth shut! This is also one of those really anooying things, one which affected me recently and applies to both online and live poker. A guy folds K3os UTG
and the flop is AKK, he laughs and gives away that he mucked a K after you move all-in with your Q high and opp has a much, much easier decision with his AQ on
whether to call the bet. (Yes, this was the scenario that happened to me, opp said i was about to fold, but if he folded a K, wasn't much chance of you having one). Also along
these lines, don't comment on hands in progress, unless you are in the pot, and the pot is heads up. Comments such as "i think he's bluffing" or "he's on tilt" are gonna land you
in a spot of trouble.

5. And finally, one point that is debated regularly is that of trying to get under other players skins, with comments such as "you are a terrible player" or saying "Ty" when winning
a pot if no-one has congratulated you. I personally don't mind this, as i don't get bothered or tilted easily, and often find it entertaining (holla @ Tony G), even when directed at me.
But for the most part- people will take a real disliking to you if you keep it up.. but then again, this can work to your advantage.

Anyway, until next time.... be professional! :)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What was i thinking?

I logged on the other day, played 1k hands of 100NL and made $200, then logged back off. Shortly after, realising i'd probs have to work for 2-3 days @ tesco to earn that much and quickly decided that i cannnot quit online poker because because i need money.

However, i did apply to the new casino opening in huddersfield, and will apply to the one i currently goto, but hey.. dealing is much easier than stacking shelves.. and there's no tips for putting peas on a shelf!

Plus i'm having my first home game in over a year (used to have one regularly), so fully expect to win.

And i got offered £500 to cut my hair, so i'm giving that some thought.

Next update will have some common poker etiquette, as well as my thoughts @ views on the different points.

Oh and, please don't hestitate to tell any of us blog guys (probs me or blue, because fitz is always awol) what you wanna see in this blog, because your probably board of me whining about being a rakeback pro :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Live poker tbh

I'm seriously burnt out, well and truly. I can't play more than 1000 hands in a session of poker now without feeling ill. I'm seriously thinking about getting a job dealing so i have a fixed income and playing a lot of live so poker is fun again. Granted, it won't be anywhere near as profitable online, but i hate money anyway..

Anyway, i got my rakeback for january, putting my roll at around $7500, and before i do anything else i'm gonna clear this $700 deposit bonus.


Friday, February 1, 2008

February imo

So I realised during the last days of January I had some work to do to maintain Gold status @ stars and obv played some turbos. Ran goot and ended up 1,5k and my Feb goal is to get to Platinum status by playing 15 or so sngs each day, which should be very possible. Roll is at like 13k, but prolly withdrawing the 1200 or so I have at Betsafe just for lulz, but im still ahead of Gill ldo.

I won the prop bet I had in January, even tho it deffo wasn't worth it. I became irritable, easily annoyed, passive-aggressive and generally on life tilt and probably lost a friendship for life. But fook it, it's only a female wimmin so no hudge loss obv. Deffo never will do again!

Trip report (and feb goals/january summary)

So anyway, i made my way over to Huddersfield train station, got my ticket and looked forward to a nice 2.5 hour journey all the way to nottingham. I wish things would go as planned one time, but no. They didn't.

First the train from Hudds to sheffield had to stop one stop early @ meadow hall, then the next train from meadow hall to sheffield was delayed, causing me to miss my desired train to nottingham and having to wait 45 mins inside sheffield train station for the next one to arrive. And when it did, that got delayed too. I quite clearly run bad @ life.

Anyway, after sorting out with the guys from FTR just to meet up @ the DTD instead of a few pubs first because i was running late, i arrived in nottingham and found myself a taxi and got a quick journey over to the DTD, looks pretty impressive from the outside. Wandered inside in my shirt+shiny shoes, registered and dropped my stuff off then into the poker room i went. And what a poker room it is! Definatly recommend all you poker degenerates out there to check it out for yourself. After entering the place, i got a cool tour of the place which was very useful (big props to the guy who gave me it) and then headed over to reggy for the £50+5 donkament.

Anyway, after regging, i wandered over to the bar area and found the rest of the degenerates (minus jim, who turned up a bit later) and introduced myself and made random small talk, online poker is rigged, my AA lost to KK etc etc ldo and joined in on the £10 last longer bet in the tourney.

When the donkament finally started i realised 130 or so had regged and i looked up @ the cash game area and wished i had just played there instead :\ Structure wasn't bad with 4k chips and 24 min blinds, ante's introduced @ 100/200.

So i take my seat, and come out with the usual humour that makes fish laugh before the floorguy annouced shuffle up and deal. I fold the first hand blind, because if not i always feel the need to play it + spew off 25% of my stack. Nothing really happened for a while expect i stole a few blinds and c betted down a few pots, bringing my stack to around 4500. The first interesting hand came up where some crazy guy that was playing 50% of his hands opened in MP and i called with T9s OTB, both blinds folded. Flop was 82J with 2 diamonds (i had spades obv), he fires 2/3 and i quickly call either to catch my straight or to rep a diamond if it hits. Turn is a blank and the action quickly goes check check. River is a diamond, he checks and i bet around 40% of the pot, he says something like "you made your flush huh, i fold" and shows a J. I smile and shiptehpot :) Shortly afterwards, my table breaks and i move a few tables to the left.

The new table seems quiet and a lot more serious, which sucks because i can't stop talking so i just talk to myself instead. I don't really play a hand until the 75/150 level where i look down @ 74s in the BB and UTG min raises, quickly followed by 2 calls. I call and check the flop blind, which to my delight comes down 5s 6s Ah, :D
Utg leads for 75% of the pot, next guy calls, CO folds and i decide to flat call (would have re popped it for sure in a HU pot) turn brings my flush, i check, UTG leads, gets a call and i move in. Utg quickly mucks, next guy tanks, convinces himself he's comitted and calls with A10 for the NFD with TP. I have the OESFD still so hes drawing to 5 outs and bricks and i scoop a nice pot bringing my stack to 12k or so.

From then on i go into my usual mode and start running over the nitty table with my std 2.5BB raises. A fun hand popped up where i raised J5os from the CO and the BB called. Flop JXX he check calls my Cbet. turn is a duece, we both see a river, which comes down a 5. He fires 2/3, i think about shoving but decide just to call and he complains to the table that i raise junk etc etc but win anyway. After this hand, people started playing back @ me, i think i got 3 bet pretty much every time i opened so obv had to go back into nitty mode until the 1st break.

I wander over to see how the rest of the guys are doing and fully expect to be way ahead of them and on my way to winning the last longer bet with my 17k stack. But no, they ALL have 10k+.. which i'd be really pleased about, but i want to win this bet! :P Oh and also, we try to post an updated on FTR, but apparently poker forums are classed as pornography, so that's a nogo.

Anyway, as soon as we go back, table breaks and i get moved yet again to a table with a cute looking girl and a load of guys desperatly trying to flirt with her. So i did the only thing someone of my class would do. I busted her :)

I then proceed to donate some chips by aimlessly bluffing 3 streets vs a guy i was sure had less than TP, and he did.. but called anyway obv.

I bust a guy when he shoves T8s MP, and i isoshove with AKs. Stack is still about 17k, and jonny is the first from the ftr lot to bust from the tourney and make his way to the cash tables. I play for about half an hour at my current table but get moved AGAINN, and get seated with some old guys with short stacks to my left and a young guy with a big stack to my right, perfect. One guy 2 seats to my left would open 5BB's with hands like 22 or AJ but only 2-3BB's with AA/KK so naturally every time he raised 5BB's, i moved in and picked up some dead money. Blinds hit 300/600/50 and i have a stack of about 30k, well over 20M so i'm pretty pleased with myself, seen as tho i suck @ tourneys. The only interesting hand on this table was when i raised 78os from the HJ and the BB called. The flop was 69T, he checks, i fire 2/5 of the pot, he shoves i call and again i get the familiar sound of "he raised with 78os, wtf etc etc). Stack is almost 40k. Blinds goto 400/800/50 and i get moved again, but we are down to 27 from the original 130, Mark + Rob have both busted, leaving only me and ian in contention for the bet.

My new table has a huge chip leader with a stack of around 85,000. I fail to get anything going at this table and just fold until we hit the final 18, then shove my 30k stack a few times @ the 800/1600 level and pick up blinds + ante's, until we finally have 14 players left.. 13 paid.. the fun bit! .... It didn't last long, some super nit decided to CRAI with JJ on an AXX board vs a guy who couldn't fold with AJ, bad move. GG. We get moneys.

I don't win a single pot until Ian busts out in 11th place (yey i win the bet), shortly followed by someone else busting on the other table, and we have our final 9 for the final table. I look @ my stack and realise i have 25,000 with the level @ 2000/4000/400. I sit down @ the FT, get AJos, and shove over an UTG raise and run into kings. My AJ doesn't hold and i bust in 9th for £140 or so i think.. lol donkaments. I wish the table good luck and make my way over to the £100NL table where i play for 6 hours and make around £120, after coolering Jim in a 200BB pot T4 vs 34 on T43, and splitting a 450BB pot with JT vs JT on 89QKQ (money in on turn).

We all get kicked out @ 6am and i manage to get home in around 2 hours ( yey i run good @ trains for once) and pass out for a while after eating loads of random snacks i find lying around, only to awake, eat somemore, drink lotssss of coffee and log on to post this before firing up a session! Which reminds me:

January summary:
I suck.
I'm a rakeback pro.
Play less tables.
Play better.
Stop spewing.

Feb Goals:
Play a max of 6 tables @ once and work on reads and using HUD stats to maximum adv.
Play 50k hands.

Wish me luck/good variance, those of you still awake from reading all this :D