Sunday, February 17, 2008

One trick pony.

Yeah, so earlier i tried to play some donkaments again, and gawddd i suck @ them. Im way too aggro, im not deep enough to play weaker hands and i try bluff stations.

So add that to the list of things i can't beat.

Mixed Games
Full Ring NLHE

Oh well, at least now im crushing 6 max 200NL :)

Also, went to newcastle friday night for the forum game, i was first out which is super standard. I need to stop bullying really tight players who have really strong hands. They arn't folding! Srsly!

Guy opens UTG, i call OTB with KTs, flop air.. and raise his flop bet??? Shortly after i shove AKos to an EP 5BB open from a super tight player, why do i do this to myself? I know i'm behind but i shove anyway.

I sat @ 1-2 for a while and lost 2 50BB buyins with 77 vs T8 on 679 and then shoving an OE vs a donk lead. GG

But at least i got a nice breakfast for only 2.50 :D

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