Monday, February 11, 2008


Long time no post,

I had been having some problems with my internet for a bit, but I got that fixed (hopefully) a couple weeks ago. Main reason why I haven't been posting/playing is that i've been crazy busy. Been working a whole bunch of hours and also fell behind a bit at school so I had to focus on that for awhile, as this is my last semester and all...and I would like to get my diploma :). As for poker I played maybe 2 or 3 sessions over the last 5 weeks? Really not much at all, Im sure blue and Gill play more hands in a day than what I played over january. Also went to casino a couple times in january and made close to a grand there playing 200NL.

Disclaimer: *Plz don't follow my example*
I did have sort of an interesting session 2 weekends ago where i was up about $400 in an hour and a bit so i decided to take a shot at 2000$NL and min buy in there for $400 weeeee! Felt I was rolled for it since i had like 1900$ or something, lol. Anyways I ran that 400 up to 1400 or so and then busted on some coin flippish type hand. Gill ended up ridiculing me, but poker's not my main source of income so w/e Chris :).

Played a 6 hour session tonight, but it was fairly uneventful as I ended up even. Played 2 tournaments, bubbled one (11/60) when I pushed 78 or something into AQ and I bubbled+1 in the other (2500$ teed). Was in 2nd or 3rd at the time, but those are the breaks. Guy who busted me ended up winning it, and it was well deserved. Only guy on table I would've busted against with the hand that came up.

Not too much else to say, other than I plan on playing a lot more for the next bit here and hopefully building up the roll.

P.S. I'll try and post something useful next post, since this one sucks.

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