Friday, February 29, 2008

Feb review+ March goals

After playing 100k hands in january, i only managed a rather lame 27k hands this month. But i can't complain @ beating 200NL for 5BB/100, i just hope its sustainable because $100 an hour is nice afaik.

Roll is at like 8400 atm, which is mostly due to my lack of effort to play.

But anyway, after i get RB, roll should be between 9500 and 10k.. so anyway, goals for March:

1. 50k hands (V important, can't win if i don't play!)
2. $6k profit from poker ( if i keep my winrate up, easily do-able)

Short and simple, so lets get crackin :D

Also, expect more random hands and thought processes soon, i need to remember to think during hands instead of my usual mindless agression.

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