Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Just wound down from a 14 hour session chasing the weeks 10 buyin downswing. Finished +1100, bringing my roll to around 4100 or so which im pretty happy with, i just wish i could consistantly win instead of losing or making crazy amounts of buyins in such short periods of time..

My internet is still running good.. which is good timing because i applied for lots of jobs which are taking people on but no1 wants to hire a lazy, inexperienced, poker degenerate so i guess while im at uni ill just have to stick to what i do best...losing or making crazy amounts of buyins in such short periods of time :)

Also, the 24 hour session should hopefully take place 1pm uk time 23rd december- 1pm 24th december. After today's 14 hour session, i'm looking forward to it :)

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