Saturday, December 1, 2007

Played a short session tonight.

Probably the first time ive played in weeks that is worthy of the term 'session', as i probably logged about 1000 hands or so....which is still a small session. Anyways as ive posted earlier I really havent been logging much time at all in poker, due to finals and term projects being due. I plan on concentrating on poker after the 13th. I cashed a bunch of money out, so i'll probably be rebuilding for a bit, might take some shots in some larger buy in tourneys, but for cash tables probably just grinding 25 or 50NL for awhile. The roll sits at about 1200$ I think.

Anyways I 8 tabled 25NL for probably 90-120 min tonight. Got off to a bad start dropping 3 buy ins or so, had about 8 really good drawing hands in that time... none of which hit. Also had a couple of mini coolers like AQ vs AK on Axx flop and lost a couple of flips against medium stacks (AK vs TT ect). Got stacked on one table when I raised preflop with 7s8s and the flop was 3sTsJc, when he raised me he didnt seem plus i figured he'd probably put me on a hand since I had shown a lot of strength so I pushed, he obv called with QJ (no spade) without much thought and I lost that flip. Anyways I was probably tilting a tad at this point and making a couple of marginal (at best) plays. This is when Gill started talking to me on msn and told me to quit playing, I told him that I dont log losing sessions and he was like standard, or whatever he usually says... I wasnt paying too much attention cause I had 8 tables to tilt at! ;)

Anyways I calmed down a bit and readjusted my strategy for these 25NL tables. Which basically meant less value calls, exploiting limpers more and tightening up my cbets. Anyways I started to run good at this point. I had 77 vs AK on a 7AK flop and I had 94 on a 94TA4 board where the river made my opponents flush. Also won a couple of 2:1 situations against medium stacks when I raised and they went over the top. (ie: KK vs AJ ect). Ended the session +2buyins ($50), felt good about my game on the whole, did make a couple of mistakes and a few of them were from 8 tabling and msning at the same time.

So again I wont be playing much until the 13th, at which point i'll be rebuilding mostly...nothing too exciting, might play a grand final here or a 20k there. Me, Blue and Gill will almost certainly be playing a 24 hr session at some point in december...more details to come later, Im undecided if I want to do that at prima or at I would get 60% rakeback on prima, but's current promo (scavenger hunt) plus the reload bonus is probably about par with that. Prima offers poker office support though, so im not really sure. I would play it at wpex but theres only ever like 2 tables going at wpex :P. Gill is probably a shoe in for most hands played, as he can like 12 table for long lengths of time. I tend to get burnt out 8 tabling after a few hours. I dont think blue is as big a multi-tabler as gill is either, but I could be wrong with that. Blue is more into tournaments anyways.

Oh almost forgot, I didnt bother with the turkey day sng thing...I see it was a nice jackpot and wouldve been defn +eV to qualify, but I had more important things (school) to do this week so I didnt bother qualifying for it. Also I was supposed to work today so I thought I had a time conflict anyways. Luckily I got it off and was able to get a bunch of my term project done.



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