Saturday, November 3, 2007

100NL PT2

Q: I don't get rakeback at party, i don't get any decent reload bonusus, the tourney schedule is terrible, the sng structure sucks.. so why do i play there?

A: Because the players are the biggest bunch of spewtards iv'e/i will ever see.

I'm up 11 buyins @100NL after only 5500 hands, a whopping 10BB/100 which after looking through hand history's and laughing away, i'm beginning to think is sustainable. I'm starting to wonder why i ever played elsewhere when people can't wait to stack off with TPNK vs my middle set for 1.5BI's. I'd urge any readers that like money to play at party, but i don't want any competition, so plz stay where you are. I ran bad yesterday and still finished +3 buyins because people give me odds when i want to draw, pay me when i flop sets and turn their hands face up when in a pot vs me. Expect to be playing 1-2 by the end of the month.

I <3 party donks.

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