Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tournament Sunday weeee

Woke up around 1 pm, feeling a bit rusty from last night. I dunno why, but it seems I've stopped playing when drunk, which is nice and probably +ev. Got some food and went for a walk to get some fresh air and get rid of the hang over. I should take more Sunday walks obv, as it helped quite a bit. Got back home and decided to play donkaments, in a night that mostly consisted of missed opportunities.

FT'd a 20/180 on stars, but obv got a shitty 9th after pushing 99 over utg limper's AA. Played two sats to the ftp 750k and a double shootout to the Sunday Million, so I got in cheap in both tournaments. However both tourneys went fairly shitty when I managed to run into AA again in the sunday million and set over set in the 750k. Meh...

Only thing left to play was the 20k teed on It started earlier than I tought it did, so when I logged in I had already blinded down for about 50 minutes, so I was fairly shortstacked. I managed to play a goot All in or Fold strategy, pushing over some weak limpers in a few spots and got my stack up again. Blinds go up fairly quickly in this tourney, and with the added antes pots are really worth stealing during the middle stages. My table was very passive so I got to push in with marginal holdings quite often (mostly from late position tho) and stayed alive that way. Close to the bubble I won a big hand with AK > AQ and A8 and ITM I was 3/30 I'm sure of it. However blinds got really high and people started gambooooling a lot more, so there wasn't much wiggle room. Made a loose call with 88 when the table nit pushed 5bbs ( I had around 9, and was far from the shortstack. I blame the structure ), and she obv had QQ. Flop came T97, so I had some outs but whiffed turn and river and was left with 12k at the 1500-3000 +150. Pushed KQ when folded to me in HJ, but CO had AK and I was out in 16th place for 200$. First place is 5400$ and I felt I had a good shot at it, so a bit pissed off at myself now, but that's variance I suppose...

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