Friday, November 30, 2007

Overlay, baby!

SO I decided to play the 100+9 deepstack "tourney" on today. I say "tourney" cause it's really more of a 2-table sit n go, but with overlay. +EV!

18 players signed up, and they payouts were 1250/750/500 to 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Started off playing really tight and picked up some decent pots here and there (got QQ in vs T2s preflop all in at one point) and then doubled up twice in some big pots. Had AA > KK ftw and made a speculative play by raising K7 on the button, and big blind just called. Flop came J77, I fired 2/3 of the pot and the BB CRAI. Snap call of course and BB flips KK! That's not a cooler I don't think :p

Came in to the "final table" with a huge chiplead and played fairly aggressive and stole a lot of blinds. On the bubble I raised a lot and was pot committed to call shortstack's push when I held 43o vs his KQo. I flopped a purr and rivered trips ftw and was in the money, still with a huge chip advantage.

Guy on my smallblind was a folding station and gave me numerous walks, which was nice, and the other guy I had tagged as a huge fish from previous encounters. Needless to say, I felt pretty confident about taking this down, and obv I did :)

Final hand I raised pre with Q7, BB flatted and autopushed the flop which was A Q x. His push was a massive overbet for atleast 2.5x the pot and something didn't look right judging by this player's previous tendencies. I tanked and finally called. Of course it was good! BB showed KT for the gutshot and overglard and turn/river were blanks. 1139$ profit is obv a nice way to end november.

Roll is now ~12K. Might withdraw some before Christmas tho, so I have some drinking money available...

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