Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wow I must really hate money.

Caribbean stud FTW anyone? I dont usually gamble on these side games, but when I do watch out! This one seems pretty favorable to the house even if I were playing optimal, which im sure I wasn't. Are you supposed to bet with ace high? probs not.

On a positive note I was 1 card away from a str8 flush on a jackpot bet. (Ur always 1 away damnit!) That 60k jackpot was just too tempting... im sure I was still massively -eV playing this game tho, so Im an idiot.

Oh and I just got sent free money from mansion and absolute cause I havent played there in awhile! Anyone want 10$ to play with in absolute? I have no intention of using it, maybe i'll just play some flipaments until I hit 50 or bust. Will probably play a satelite or 2 with the mansion 25$ they sent me. I've been meaning to deposit there anyways. Will probably toss in 300-400 when I lose this 25$.

Played some more turkey rooms, which made up for some of the lost money in side games. It's gonna be harder than I thought to get into the top 100 since i really dont play much and sngs tend to make me angry. Also I seem to be overthinking these rooms a little.

I don't remember the exact number but the stacks are something like 3k,3.5k,4.5k, 800 with blinds at 150/300 (I have the big stack). Top 3 paid.

3k is in the BB and 3.5k limps the button, so naturally I push with 93os or something. I end up getting called by ATos??? WTF?? So obv im massively overthinking what these players are capable of. Don't really want to work out the math but his call is a really really bad here given the chip stacks, I could probably turn up my 93 and it would still be a bad call if he calls :P. Since I think he needs something close to 75% chance of winning to make this a +eV call (because of the stack sizes and payout structure). My push was probably also bad since I was thinking a few levels past this guy, thought he was smart enough to fold 100% of the cards he limped, thats why I did it. Anyways that didn't make me happy to say the least. Of course the shortie doubles up the next hand and I End up finishing 4th and bubbling.... cause thats just what always happens.

If your chances of cashing in a sng are very high you really want a LOT of chip equity if you're going to put your tourney at risk. Cards become far less important in some of these bubble situations, the relations of stack sizes and fold equity becomes far more important. Basically if theres a short stack on the bubble the big stack should be shoving the medium stacks with pretty much anything and the medium stacks should almost never be calling. In theory anyways :P.

Also there were just some blatantly bad plays on some of my other sngs. Dunno what some of these people are thinking, for instance, we were 3 handed (top 2 paid) with blinds at 50/100 and everyone was pretty much even (im slightly the big stack). guy opens button for 400 I shove with AQ. And He calls 1500 more with QTo. TTJKJ board, nice of PDC to give me the false hope of turning the str8 tho. "well played sir". This hand goes back to the "if ur gonna call, why not shove in the first place?" Also if he thought I was capable of 3 betting that weak that he could jusitfy a call he should've just folded outright in the first place and waited for a better hand. Whatever. Obv didn't tap the tank with any of these guys, but these sngs make me frustrated because of these reasons.

I should really just stick to HU sngs, since I seem to do really well in those. Although when I play 4 or more of those I defn notice that Im not paying enough attention and I think I miss a lot of value from them. My rating for the night would be a 'B->B+' but since I blew a bunch of monies on side games it is now an F.

Remember to stay away from side games!

Cya later!

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