Wednesday, March 5, 2008


LOL I just called a river shove with 55 and 3 overcards on board at 10NL. My play probably wasn't optimal in that hand :P

So, Just deposited 100$ on pdc, so im playing again, weeeee. Except i closed tonight and I got school early so I probably won't be playing until the weekend. But I did play tonight for like 20 min just for shits and giggles. So in 70 hands of 10NL I won 3 BIs, which puts me at +220BB/100 or something... which is probably sustainable at this level. Kidding of course, but these players are really really really REALLY bad. This was my first ever 10NL session (other than the ones where me and blue sit down and AI everyhand of course) and my preliminary assessment is that i could probably sustain at least +15-20BB/100 here. So hopefully I don't run bad and will only be at this level for a couple of days before moving to 25NL.

I will try and explain to you guys how to beat this level, since i think some of our readers play at these stakes. Just bet every street for value with anything remotely good...cause no one folds :). I'll post some Hand histories as soon as I get my converter working.

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