Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Probably packing it in.

Instead of getting better at controlling my emotions while playing online poker, iv'e actually gotten worse. It's gotten to the stage where now im thinking to myself "f**king hell let me have the AA instead of the KK one time"

I have started tilting.

It started with my $5k downswing, then i started playing bad and now It's because i'm extremely sick of grinding increasingly difficult games, i can't play for more than 30 minutes without bordom kicking in. I'm probably cashing out my bankroll and playing a lot more live.

Also, probably getting my hair cut off soon before job hunting to make myself look a bit more presentable :D

I guess ill just have to donate that $6.66 :\

But don't worry folks, if i play more live.. that means more trip reports and live donkament stories! Plus i think it will be a nice variety with blue blogging about donkaments, fitz about online cash and me about live.


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